The Moody-Buffy Martini

From Bon Appetit via Aleximoon & IM

Submitted on Wednesday, March 12 2003, 07:15 am

Bombay Sapphire Gin
Martini & Rossi extra-dry vermouth

1. Put in a Billie Holiday CD, preferably one that is sad and moody.
2. Moisten and place a fine crystal martini glass in the freezer.
3. Place ice cubes in a glass shaker and twirl gently to chill the shaker.
4. Quickly, before the ice melts, pour in enough Bombay Sapphire gin to fill a martini glass (experience teaches this).
5. Add 6 drops of Martini & Rossi extra-dry vermouth.
6. Stir slowly (to hell with James Bond) 25 times.
7. Retrieve martini glass from the freezer and strain in gin.
8. dip 2 large, pimento-filled olives in and out of the martini.
9. Eat one olive, drink half the martini, then eat the other olive.
10. Repeat the above and fall asleep on the couch while watching Buffy the Vampie Slayer.
I kid you not................

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