Violet is here!

VJ is hereAt 1750 (5:50PM) on 31 October 2011, Violet Jane came into the world. She was 7lb 11oz & 19 inches. She was due on the 29th, but was running late. We decided to induce on the 31st, but hours later there was little progress. We talked to our Dr about a possible C-Section in case things weren’t going well, but after hours of labor, it was looking more and more like we would have to do that.

I was lucky and got to go into the OR with Kris and was there to bring our baby into the world. It was an amazing thing. Admittedly, I got to see more of my wife’s insides than I would have liked, but it was still an incredible experience. I cried when the Dr held up Violet and showed her to us. Yeah, she was all covered in baby cheese, but she was still perfect.

We are staying with Kristen’s parents for a few days so she won’t have to go up and down stairs until she has some energy back and can heal up some. I’ll add more soon. 🙂

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