Tag Archives: Baby

Violet is here!

At 1750 (5:50PM) on 31 October 2011, Violet Jane came into the world. She was 7lb 11oz & 19 inches. She was due on the 29th, but was running late. We decided to induce on the 31st, but hours later … Continue reading

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So much is going on now. Less than 100 days until Violet arrives. We have received some gifts already. A stroller and a car seat. Yay! We have a doctor appointment next week. Not sure if we get to have another ultrasound. … Continue reading

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It has been a busy month. Holly & Mad came down for some the end of vacation week and then they stayed a few extra days to get stuff done in the soon to be baby’s room. We have 95% … Continue reading

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All sorts of fun stuff

It’s been a while since I posted anything. I’ve been busy… well, not really, I just had little to say. First: I got a job. Yay! Doing IT consulting work for a local company. More on that soon. 🙂 B: … Continue reading

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Erin and Billy finally brought Robbie into the world. 🙂 Both Mom and baby are doing ok. She had to have C-section and had to stay in the hospital a few extra days because of it. He’s adorable. I can’t wait … Continue reading

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Kris and I are having a baby!!! We just went to the dr and we got to see the little blueberry and hear the heartbeat. Woohoo!!!

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