All sorts of fun stuff

It’s been a while since I posted anything. I’ve been busy… well, not really, I just had little to say.

First: I got a job. Yay! Doing IT consulting work for a local company. More on that soon. 🙂

B: We go to the baby doctor next week. We should be hopefully able to find out if it is a girl or a boy. I put together some of the furnature for the baby’s room. There is a crib (which converts into a small bed, etc as she grows), a toy box, and a changing table. We have a dresser too, but I need to make more room for it. It’s coming along nicely.

Gamma: Lots of fun gaming going on. I have started running a Pathfinder game and we are in the first book of the Adventure Path: Kingmaker. Collin wrote up his own 4e adventure that is coming along well. We have also started playing Munchkin. Between the gaming group, we have 4 or so versions (and more coming in). Lsat night we had a more classic game with The Dash and Thorifin. Annie got her first taste of gaming, and hopefully will be back for more.

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