
It has been a busy month. Holly & Mad came down for some the end of vacation week and then they stayed a few extra days to get stuff done in the soon to be baby’s room. We have 95% of the furniture in there and it is painted. Just need to get the book shelf and the rocking chair. I’m so excited about meeting Violet.

The new job is going well. I started on June 13th at ITVantage in Fort Myers. It’s a bit different than what I am used to, but I really do enjoy it. Except for firewall issues. That’s a pain in the ass. 🙂

Lots of gaming going on lately. Mostly Pathfinder and Munchkin. I did get Munchkin Quest, but we have only played that once. A bit more complex, but a lot of fun. I would like to have someone else take over some of the DMing. Jim is getting burned out.

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